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《Urban geography》2013,34(2):139-172
Although welfare rolls have dropped considerably in recent years, most welfare recipients who find work are employed in low-wage, insecure jobs. The problem of "working poverty" is especially acute in large city-regions such as Los Angeles, where local labor market restructuring has created an expanding, low-wage economy, increasingly dependent on immigrant labor. This paper analyzes the employment outcomes of 6,931 women who completed the county's welfare-to-work program in 1996. I evaluate their earnings, labor market segmentation, and job stability. The results show that women were highly concentrated in low-wage service jobs and experienced high levels of turnover and unemployment. Many were unable to obtain employment in the formal labor market. I argue that the struggles of the working poor in a growing regional economy are explained not solely by human capital limitations, but by processes of local labor market restructuring that have contributed to widespread economic insecurity in Los Angeles County.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(7):685-690
Microfinance is often presented as a solution to rural poverty. However, increasingly, many countries across the world are turning to it as a mechanism for dealing with the contingencies arising from the marketization of basic services and shrinking welfare provisions. Using examples of urban microfinance from India, this essay shows how, through microfinance, market rationalities are increasingly finding their way into food and housing provision for the urban poor and are displacing social relations that have traditionally sustained them.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(7):587-609
Poverty segregation increased in Southern California during the 1990s. A comparison of four indices reflecting various dimensions of segregation (e.g., evenness, concentration, isolation, and clustering) suggests that poor people are increasingly concentrated and isolated. However, cities within the region experienced different levels and types of segregation, with significant changes over time. Regression analysis using 1990 and 2000 census data highlights the role of demographic, economic, and fiscal variables in explaining the changing landscape of poverty. Whereas historically poor and older cities have seen a rise in poverty that translated into an increase in concentration and isolation, newer suburban communities have evolved differently. Cities where poverty has been high and increasing often maintained a high level of clustering and unevenness, but experienced higher levels of concentration and clustering in 2000. In contrast, wealthier cities typically faced a rise in unevenness and clustering as small pockets of poverty population emerged in the midst of high-income neighborhoods.  相似文献   
We explore strategies among farmers in semi-arid Tanzania to cope with drought, and investigate if access to a local supplemental irrigation system (the Ndiva system) can improve coping capacity. Results show high dependency on local ecosystem services when harvests fail, and indicate that farmers commonly exhaust asset holdings during droughts. Ndiva access did not have any direct effects on coping capacity, but seemed to have some indirect effects. Drawing on our findings we discuss the complexity of escaping persistent dryland poverty, and outline the circumstances under which small-scale water system technologies, such as Ndiva irrigation, may help.  相似文献   
本文基于2010年Landsat TM/ETM+数据,HJ-1卫星CCD数据,MODIS17A3净初级生产力数据和土壤,气候的地面实测数据,采用以生态系统服务价值为基础的区域差异化生态补偿估算方法,对中国14个集中连片贫困区生态补偿标准进行了估算.研究结果表明,2010年中国14个集中连片贫困区生态系统服务总价值达20 627.4亿元,与同年该区域GDP总量 22 096.2亿元大体相当,在南疆三地州,四省藏区和西藏片区3个西部片区,每年的生态系统服务总价值为GDP总量的2-12倍,这对保障中国生态安全具有重要意义.在14个集中连片特困区,生态补偿所需资金每年约为1971.0亿元,平均每县约为2.9亿元.目前,国家给予的生态补偿资金与此相比严重不足,即使是接受一般性财政转移支付的国家重点生态功能区,其各县市平均每年接受补偿资金也仅为0.94亿元,不到所需金额的1/3.生态补偿资金不足不但给各片区扶贫工作带来巨大压力,也带来了严重的生态风险.因此,生态补偿资金增量的投入可能是解决集中连片特困区贫困问题关键所在,在此增量补偿资金基础上,集中连片特困区可建立以国家购买生态产品为主,开发性扶贫增长为辅的可持续经济增长模式,这可能是彻底解决中国集中连片特困地区贫困问题的基本途径.  相似文献   
IPCC第五次评估报告气候变化对人类福祉影响的新认知   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)第二工作组(WGII)报告评估了气候变化对人类健康、人类安全、生计与贫困的影响,指出气候变化已经对人类健康和安全造成了负面影响,气候变化、气候变率和极端气候事件给城市和农村的贫困人口增添了额外的负担,与气候变化相关的风险增大。21世纪的气候变化,将继续加剧现有健康问题,增加人类的迁徙,放大冲突的驱动因素的影响,对许多国家的关键基础设施造成不利影响,给小岛国和有很长海岸线国家的领土完整带来风险;整个21世纪,气候变化将减缓经济增长,进一步威胁粮食安全,使减贫更为困难,贫困问题更加突出。  相似文献   
国外综合贫困研究及对我国贫困地理研究的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪60年代以来国外新城市贫困研究的内容和方法逐步多元化,综合贫困指标体系和以地域为基础的研究方法促进了贫困地理研究。本文首先辨析贫困和综合贫困的概念,综合贫困研究的指标体系和研究方法;再评述国外综合贫困研究的主要内容;最后在分析我国城市贫困研究不足的基础上,提出在指标体系、研究内容、研究方法和空间层次等几个方面拓展转型时期我国城市贫困地理的研究视角。  相似文献   
当代非洲城市化的动因与困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲的城市人口已经正在以年均超过4%的增长率增长,居世界首位,其中个别城市甚至还要高。对文献的回顾显示,贫困、非正规经济或类似经济的增长与发展已经成为撒哈拉以南非洲国家城市化的一个不可分割的部分。结论是快速城市化是非洲政府所面临的最紧迫的管理挑战。并且,要在致力于解决当前问题的同时,创造使城市成为经济增长和发展的更有效中心的政策环境。城市必须是可控制的、适于居住的、以及经济上可望成功的。  相似文献   
刘颖  袁媛  邢汉发  孟媛  牛通 《热带地理》2020,40(5):919-929
以广州市为例,选取中心4个区6 670个采样点(涵盖121个社区)的百度街景图片,从城市建成环境特征探讨了城市贫困识别的可能。首先,训练基于深度神经网络的街景图片分类模型后,对街景要素进行语义分割,并通过缓冲区分析统计社区尺度的街景指标;其次,经主成分分析法提取出建筑围合感、植被围合感、天空开阔感和道路开阔感4个街景主因子,并验证其与多重贫困指数(IMD)的相关性;最后,通过采用简单随机抽样法选取61个社区,构建街景预测的多元线性回归模型,对剩余60个社区进行贫困预测,验证街景指标测度城市贫困的度量精度。结果发现,案例社区的多重贫困指数(IMD)与建筑围合感呈正相关,与植被围合感、天空开阔感、道路开阔感呈负相关;从整体看来,街景预测结果与传统城市贫困测度的空间规律基本相符,而且结果通常比传统测度的城市贫困程度高。这是因为受测度内容、社区类型、街道属性等方面的影响,街景识别方式比较适用于判断建成环境较差的贫困社区。街景图片预测有利于刻画城市贫困人群真实的生活环境,便于对城市建成区进行及时监测,在一定程度上可以与传统城市贫困测度相互校正、弥补不足。  相似文献   
减贫成效评估是近年来国际减贫战略研究中的热点议题,也是中国未来扩展减贫深度、提高减贫质量所面临的关键问题。论文基于“两不愁、三保障”标准,构建涵盖经济、人口、社会和绿色4个维度12项指标的减贫成效评估指标体系,利用熵权法与模糊集方法揭示长江经济带126个地级市域减贫成效状况,引入空间自相关理论解析长江经济带减贫成效的空间分异及演化特征。结果表明:① 2011—2017年间长江经济带整体减贫成效显著,区域间存在明显空间差异,上游地区市域减贫提升潜力较大;② 研究期内市域Moran's I均大于0且逐年上升,市域减贫成效存在空间正相关性且集聚特征逐年增强;③ 研究期内减贫成效指数的LISA值存在区域差异,上、中游地区局域空间自相关较为显著,尤其在集中连片贫困区呈现“连块集聚”的关联特征。研究成果可为当前推动长江经济带可持续减贫,统筹区域经济、社会和生态协调发展提供参考。  相似文献   
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